Pest animals

Wild dogs, foxes, feral pigs, rabbits and deer are some of the key pest animals that affect the businesses of woolgrowers. Find more information and advice about these pests, management practices and eradication options.
Click anywhere in the boxes below to expand and access the resources.

Wild dog exclusion fencing: A practical guide for woolgrowers
Well designed and constructed exclusion fences have been very effective at preventing wild dogs from entering properties, resulting in increased productivity and ability to run sheep without attack.
AWI has produced a 36-page practical guide (PDF 7MB) for woolgrowers that gives an overview of many types of exclusion fences that are being used successfully by Australian woolgrowers to protect their sheep, and also control total grazing pressure.

pestSMART provides best practice information on how to plan, manage and improve pest animal control programs in Australia.

feralSCAN - Providing a community pest animal recording and management tool.
Powered by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions.